Got a Question?

What is Cache Valley Cat Wranglers?

CVCW is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to reducing overpopulation and suffering for community cats in Cache Valley. We do this primarily through TNR, but other methods are involved as well.

What Areas of Cache Valley Do You Cover?

If it’s in Cache Valley, it counts. The farther you are from Logan, the more you may have to do to help with things like gathering supplies and transportation.

How Does TNR Work?

We gather information about the colony from the caretaker, neighbors, nearby businesses, etc. We need details like who owns the cats, if they live on private property, if the caretaker is going to shoot us for snooping around their back fence, etc etc. Once all these things are in order, we set traps and stare at them like a state trooper looking for speeders. Once trapped, the cats are transported to the vet for surgery and whatever other care they need. They recover somewhere safe and warm, and are returned to their original location.

Can You Take This Cat/Kitten/Litter I Found?

The easy answer is “Sometimes.” It depends on several factors, including the needs of the cat/kitten/litter (level of socialization, health, etc), availability of space, and availability of funds for food, litter, and other necessities. If you can make a monetary or supply donation, that can negate the last factor, but the other two will still be considerations.

Can I Adopt a Cat or Kitten From You?

No, but sort of. We do not adopt cats from CVCW, but we often have cats that we are fostering for a registered 501c3 rescue. Adoptions will always go through the rescue, and be subject to their adoption criteria, fees, etc. However, since we live in Cache Valley, the cats are usually fostered here, so we can arrange meet-and-greets and the like.

How Can I Help CVCW Continue Their Work?

You can donate money, donate supplies, volunteer your time and energy, or even just spread the word around the valley that we exist. Everything we do is funded by ourselves with help from the rescues we foster for (they provide vaccines and other supplies, and often help with medial expenses). We rely on donations from the community to keep doing what we do.

Check out these before and after pictures! On the left is Win, and on the right is Lopen and Kaladin. Lopen did eventually need to have one eye removed, and Win has permanent damage to her ears and her right eye. We can’t fix everything, especially when cats have been left to suffer for long periods of time before we find them.